The Babia Góra Marathon

When? Where? Customer?
2010-2014 Babia Góra, Beskidy Mountains, Poland
Area of 380 km of medium voltage power lines
Tauron Dystrybucja S.A, Bielsko-Biała Branch



How? Challenges?
In two stages:

  • Stage 1 - 12 months of clearcutting in a 12m wide area
  • Stage 2 - 36 months of regulating the regrow capacity of plants
It was not easy:

  • Lack of possibility to use elevators due to very mountainous massif of Babia Góra, massif of Leskowiec
  • Forestation - over 50% forest cover


What was the outcome?
Tauron Dystrybucja S.A. recognised us for the accomplishment of the task and invites our experts to numerous conferences from now on, where we share information about our original system of work.

We consolidated our main specialisation, valid to this day. This is and always will be work in high mountain terrain, inaccessible to other contractors.